Tiger Mom Tamed || Helping new parents worry less and enjoy moreAre you a tiger parent? Or maybe a helicopter parent?

Hi there! I’m Lia! And I’ve been called both of these! (Even though they’re vastly different from each other.)

I’m no expert except when it comes to my kid and his needs. But it didn’t start out that way. As a new parent, there were times when I wanted to cry right along with my newborn…. Okay, I admit that I DID cry along with him sometimes! As a control freak, it was the first time I felt truly out of control!

Becoming a parent means a lot of wonderful things, but it also holds a lifetime of worry! This blog is to help parents with tips, advice, and some humor in tackling all that parenthood throws out at us. Hopefully, you’ll be able to relax a little and actually enjoy time with your new baby instead of worrying about this, that, and the other.

Research, Research, Research

I love researching everything kid related and sharing what I’ve learned. I’m a researcher by nature. I rely on evidence-based research to make decisions on nearly everything (hey, sometimes you gotta go with your gut!).

After getting over the huge loss of freedom when I had a newborn, I started jotting down notes to pass on to my friends who were in the same boat as me or who would be soon. Plus, I wanted to remind myself of these things in case I were to ever had another kid. I knew that if I didn’t write them down some place I knew my sleep deprived brain would never remember!

Here you’ll find everything that worked for me and what didn’t work so well. Some of it is a cautionary tale, if you will, with a sprinkling of checklists because who doesn’t love a good checklist!

I also love brunch, baby giggles, and sharing a laugh with my friends. There are moments in life where you can laugh or you can cry. I choose to laugh, and that’s easier with good friends and wine (did you know that that’s a parenting style too?).

This Too Shall Pass

But it passes all too quickly! Wouldn’t it be nice to take delight in this time instead of apprehension or even outright fear?

You’ll soon realize that you’re not alone and that many before you went through the same struggles. Seriously, if I can do this, so can you! We’ll take baby steps (pun intended) together as we wade through new mommy life. It’s full of diapers, goopy food, sticky hands, runny noses (and other things), and screaming (and it’s not just the baby). But we’ll be armed with coffee (or wine) and a sense of humor!

I became an expert at knowing my kid so that he thrives. And I’ve made it a mission to help other new parents become an expert with their kid as well. If you become an expert at anticipating their needs then you’ll be better prepared (probably involves more kid stuff) to deal with whatever situation comes your way. Then you can sit back and enjoy your hard work instead of worrying about what may happen. At least, that’s the idea.

Come join me on my journey to find balance between being a control freak and living a healthy lifestyle as a mom.

Tiger Mom Tamed || helping new parents worry less and enjoy more